GEX Academy is a leading academy with a focus on creating wealth and impacting lives. Our courses equip students with the knowledge, tools and resources to take on real-life challenges in a disruptive, ever-changing world. Experience how practitioner-led methods and philosophies can transform your life and empower you to create your own financial freedom.
Effective business ideation Most Singaporeans have bought or have plans to buy a HDB flat. After all, all Singaporeans are entitled to a substantial amount of subsidies and grants when[...]
Listing your company Taking your company from private to public A step-by-step guide to prepare for IPO When social media giant Facebook listed in May 2012, it was one of[...]
This brings us to our third question – what are our chances of pushing through a successful en bloc? First and foremost, the land must have redevelopment value. Even for[...]
Be the Architect of Your Own Success
GEX Academy is a leading academy with a focus on creating wealth and impacting lives. Our courses equip students with the knowledge, tools and resources to take on real-life challenges in a disruptive, ever-changing world. Experience how practitioner-led methods and philosophies can transform your life and empower you to create your own financial freedom.